Pregnancy and childbirth

Women after natural births and caesarian sections, and pregnant women due to give birth, are hospitalized in Maternity B Department. Each room can accommodate one, two, three or four women. Assignment to specific rooms is usually for medical reasons, and locations can be changed during hospitalization. Each room has facilities that include a shower and toilet, makeup unit, and large mirror.

The nurses counsel new mothers regarding care after birth, emotional changes, bonding with the baby, and breastfeeding. If needed, other professionals are included in the guidance session

The Maternity B Department offers a flexible full or partial rooming-in system, that allows mothers to keep their baby with them throughout their hospitalization period.  A breastfeeding counselor gives a guidance session every morning.

Spouses may visit their partners throughout the day, but are not permitted to stay overnight.

Doctors' rounds are held early every day.

Mothers feel tired after giving birth and want to rest, so the department is very strict about enforcing visiting hours, to help the mothers recover as quickly as possible.


  1. Women after natural births are discharged 48 hours after birth.
  2. Women after caesarian sections are discharged three days after surgery.


In order to be discharged, Identity Cards (teudot zehut) belonging to the mother and her partner must be shown.

We are delighted to be able to share this wonderful experience with new mothers, and will be pleased to answer any questions.

Consult with a senior physician

New mothers interested in consulting with a senior obstetrician during their hospital stay are welcome to visit with the staff physician in the Maternity B Department doctors’ office. Reception hours are daily (Sunday through Thursday) from 11:00 – 12:00. Please sign in with the nurses at your department reception desk.

Department details

Lis Maternity and Women's Hospital
Floor 3
Visiting hours: 10:30-11:50, 16:00-18:00, 19:00-20:30 (Partners can stay the whole day; but not at night and at rest times: 12:00-13:00 and 18:00-19:00)

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