תפריט ראשי עליון

תפריט עמוד

We are pleased to announce the launching of the Friends of Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center at a special dinner event held in Palo Alto, California on May 22, 2011, for a gathering of 50 local Israeli and Jewish entrepreneurs and community leaders.

The event was organized by our new representative in Silicon Valley, Dr. Karin Weiner Lachmi, PhD, Director of Development, for the US Western region, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. 


Addressing the group were two honored speakers, Director General of the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center  Professor Gabi Barbash and Professor Itzhak Fried


Professor Barbash highlighted the bases for key differences in the US and Israel healthcare systems. 


Professor Fried led a thought provoking discussion, which has also been featured in a recently published article in Scientific American, entitled “How free is your will? – Neurological explorations of the human mind.”

The event marked the first official promotion of the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center new Neuroscience Institute, dedicated to building the world’s most innovative institute for clinical care, research and education on the human brain. 


The Institute will address a wide range of neurological disorders including cerebrovascular and neuro-muscular diseases, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer's, brain tumors, epilepsy, depression, multiple sclerosis, the effect of aging on the brain and neurologic function. 


For more information contact us: friends@tasmc.health.gov.il / tel: 972-3-6974275 or Dr. Karin Weiner Lachmi: karinwe@tasmc.health.gov.il / tel: 1-650-2830391


Thank all persons that volunteered for this event and helped to its success: Yael Wilnai, Dana Huber and Ronit Citrit and to Ayelet and Lior O. Nuchi  for their excellent hospitality.

תפריט ניווט תחתון