תפריט ראשי עליון

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Internal Medicine Division; Preventive Medicine

The Integrated Cancer Prevention Center offers comprehensive early cancer detection and prevention services, including instruction on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and minimizing cancer risk. Through scientific and clinical cancer research, the center develops and implements innovative technologies and approaches for cancer prevention and early detection.

Essential services

The Integrated Cancer Prevention Center integrates all screening and prevention activities in a single facility, so that within just a few hours, visitors can be tested for 11 of the most common cancers, including:

 General screening


Skin cancer
Oral cancer
Lung cancer
Thyroid cancer
Enlarged lymph nodes
Breast cancer

Ovarian cancer

Uterine cancer

Cervical cancer

Testicular cancer

Prostate cancer

At the center, these cancers can be detected using easily available, effective, and relatively inexpensive methods.

המרכז המשולב לאיתור ולמניעת סרטן

Cutting-edge strategy

The center’s progressive approach is a multidisciplinary view of the person being screened, offering integrated, comprehensive results. Research conducted as an integral part of the center’s activities expedites the introduction of breakthrough testing techniques, prevention recommendations, and patient care methods—the basis of translational medicine.

Cancer, the leading cause of death

The early years of the third millennium have seen cancer become the number one cause of death in the world, more prevalent than heart disease. According to the Israel Cancer Association, in Israel, 200,000 people receive cancer treatment or follow-up monitoring. Data from the Israel National Cancer Registry of the Ministry of Health shows that each year, about 23,500 new cancer cases are diagnosed. The term “cancer” refers to the 150 different types of cancers that are classified by the organ where the cancers originate, the types of cells in which the illnesses develop, and various biological processes involved in their growth. Cancer is characterized by cells that develop uncontrollably and can spread, impacting the functioning of the primary site organ or any other tissue to which the cells metastasize.

Significant benefits of early detection

Regardless of whether cancer is caused by genetic inheritance, biological changes, lifestyle, environmental influences, or the combination of several of these factors, early disease detection can reduce mortality by up to 90%, increase treatment effectiveness, and improve the quality of life for cancer patients. The objective of screening is to provide a guide for essential cancer detection and to detail individualized prevention methods and/or early testing regimens.

The fast-track process

Individual clients and employees referred by their employers are welcome to the Integrated Cancer Prevention Center.

Clients are requested to complete several questionnaires that assist in determining the person’s cancer risk—based on cancer risk elements, exposure to carcinogens, personal history, health status, contraction of cancer-causing diseases, nutrition, and mental health status.

The streamlined process includes:

    • Blood tests
    • Imaging studies
    • Comprehensive exams performed by specialty physicians
    • In-depth interviews
    • Nutritional consulting
    • Counseling on a healthy lifestyle

The client concludes the visit with a consultation meeting with one of the center’s senior physicians to review the final results, obtain referrals for additional or follow-up testing, when necessary, and discuss recommendations for lifestyle changes. If cancer or pre-cancerous conditions are discovered during the screening, the patient is referred for treatment with specialty Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center services.

Personalized medical services

 Essential services and expertise offered by the center include:

Exams by specialty physicians

    • Oral and maxillofacial
    • Dermatology
    • Urology
    • Endocrinology/thyroid
    • Breast
    • Gynecology

Clinical tests

    • Blood test
    • Urine test
    • Mammography
    • Pap test
    • Vaginal ultrasound
    • Blood DNA test of 2 polymorphisms of the APC gene to detect colon cancer
    • Test of polymorphism in the CD24 gene for predisposition to solid tumors, such as breast and gastrointestinal cancers
    • PSA (prostate-specific antigen) including total and free PSA to test for early detection of prostate cancer
    • Low-dose chest CT scan to detect lung cancer in heavy smokers

Documentation and follow-up

Mapping of personal risk factors for developing cancer
  • Documentation of results for ongoing tracking
  • Strict follow-up of each  patient and the promotion of early cancer detection awareness


Thorough nutritional assessment and consulting
  • Lifestyle consulting (such as smoking cessation)
  • Meeting with a psychologist to evaluate the link between emotional outlook and cancer
  • Consulting on reducing risk factors
  • Screening findings review by Prof. Nadir Arber, Integrated Cancer Prevention Center Director
  • Findings meeting with a senior center physician
    • Blood pressure (both arms)
    • Cholesterol (total, LDL, HDL)
    • Triglycerides (TG) levels
    • Blood count
    • Liver function tests
    • Kidney function tests
    • Electrolytes
    • Inflammation meter (C-reactive protein)
    • Mind and cancer
    • Inflammation and cancer
    • Genetics and cancer

Additional screening elements include:

  • Blood pressure (both arms)
  • Cholesterol (total, LDL, HDL)
  • Triglycerides (TG) levels
  • Blood count
  • Liver function tests
  • Kidney function tests
  • Electrolytes
  • Inflammation meter (C-reactive protein)

Progressive research

Leading-edge research studies conducted at the center evaluate the association between:

  • Mind and cancer
  • Inflammation and cancer
  • Genetics and cancer

With the objective of raising awareness about cancer and its prevention, the Integrated Cancer Prevention Center (ICPC) helps reduce the incidence and severity of cancer by providing personalized risk-reduction strategies, detecting disease at early stages, and promoting overall healthy living.

Department details

+972-3-697-3968 - Appointments
+972-3-6973180 - Nutrition Unit
+972-3-6973179 - Reseaech and Administration
Sammy Ofer Heart Building
Floor -1

תפריט ניווט תחתון