Patient Rights

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The National Israeli Health Insurance Law (1994) enables you, the patient, to choose between different health service providers.


According to Section 23 – choosing service providers:

A.     A member of a health maintenance organization (HMO) is entitled to choose service providers for himself/herself among the listed HMO service providers or their assigned representatives, according to directive Section 12.
B.     The HMO determines the selection arrangement and its scope in the event that the choice is related to more than one service provider; the HMO will notify the Minister of Health on the arrangement and publicize it among its members.
C.    In this clause, “service provider” includes medical specialists or para-medical specialists, and a provider who earned a license or recognition in the position from the administration.

The right to select a hospital and medical treatment

According to the National Israeli Health Insurance Law of 1994:

  • You are entitled to receive medical service according to professional medical opinion.
  • You are entitled to receive medical service within a reasonable distance from your home.
  •  You are entitled to receive medical service within a reasonable amount of time.
  • You are entitled to receive the HMO's publication of service arrangements and to be notified about this information. 
  • You are entitled to receive personal dignity, respect, and confidentiality during medical service.
  • You are entitled to receive care only with your informed consent.
  • You are entitled to receive medical care according to the National Health Insurance Law without discrimination.
  • You are entitled to choose the hospital from among the hospitals that provide services to your HMO.
  • You are entitled to receive a copy of the service selection agreement determined by the HMO with which you are insured, free of charge.

For your information, when patients are referred to the hospital, the HMO must act by weighing the factors for the good of the patient and the good of all HMO members, without discrimination, between hospitals and following these principles:

  • Preserving the continuity of treatment, such that the insured will not be asked to switch to another medical institution for the duration of the same illness or medical condition and treatment, whenever possible.
  • In the case of an illness or medical condition that warrants treatment at an institution that specializes in the patient’s condition or illness, the insured has the option to receive the service that he/she needs related to that illness or medical condition at the specializing institution, according to the list of institutions and diseases/conditions treated published by the Ministry of Health.
  •  In the case of a disease or medical condition that requires intensive treatment, the choice arrangement  will be defined so that the treatments will be concentrated in one medical center, whenever possible.
  • Deviations from the choice arrangement must be based on medical opinion.
  • An insured person’s urgent referral to a general hospital emergency room should not be limited.

For your information, every qualified Israeli resident is insured according to the National Israeli Health Law that is founded on principles of justice, equality, and mutual assistance.


You are entitled to contact the appointed Public Complaints Commission according to the National Israeli Health Insurance Law in any situation in which you were impacted by a rights violation. Below is the contact information:

Public Complaints Commissioner for the National Israeli Health Insurance Law

Ministry of Health

St. Jeremiah 39                                                     



Fax: +972-2-5655981

Financial Coverage Form (Form 17)

Ambulatory patients are required to obtain a financial coverage form (Form 17) from their health insurance providers prior to treatment. In lieu of this form, patients can prepay with cash or a credit card based on the outpatient fee determined by the Department of Health.

Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities

At the Tel Aviv Medical Center, we honor your rights as a patient and as a person.

Your Rights

Respect You have the right to receive considerate treatment that is respectful, acknowledges your beliefs, values and culture, and adheres to your religious observance.

Privacy You have the right to receive treatment that maintains your privacy in the context of prevailing Medical Center conditions. During your examination, you have the right to request the presence of an additional person as an observer within the context of the prevailing Medical Center conditions.

Your medical condition and particulars of your treatment are your private concern. Every member of your treating staff is obligated to maintain professional confidentiality. Details about your medical condition will be relayed to another person only with your explicit consent or in accordance with the requirements of the law.

Informed Consent

Your free and willing consent is a necessary precondition to treatment. In order to decide on the treatment being offered, you have the right to receive complete and up-to-date information about your diagnosis, the risks of the treatment, chances for success, and possible side effects. You may also verbally receive information on alternative treatments, if available, or preventive treatments and their associated risk factors and chances for success.

You will receive detailed information before your surgery or invasive procedure, and you will be asked to sign a consent form. Do not hesitate to ask questions before signing the consent form. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any stage of treatment without affecting the relationship between you and the treating staff.

Obtaining medical Information

You have the right to receive, throughout the duration of your hospitalization, complete and detailed information regarding your medical condition, treatment, examinations, and tests. The information will be given to you in accordance with the policies of the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center department.

Upon discharge, you have the right to receive a written, detailed summary of your hospitalization. Copies of this documentation, as well as copies of your x-rays, will remain in your medical file. Duplication of this information may require payment, charged in accordance with Ministry of Health policies.

Second Opinions

We honor your right to request a second consultative opinion in addition to that of the direct department staff caring for you, on any medical condition. If you opt for a second opinion, please notify either the department director or the senior physician responsible for the department. After notifying the senior physician, you may request a second opinion from any specialist in coordination with the department director.

We emphasize that any communication with and payment to an outside physician is your responsibility. The Medical Center is in no way obligated or responsible for your consultation, and the Medical Center is not obligated to act upon the second opinion.

Your Responsibilities

In addition to your rights, you are also responsible for adhering to Medical Center rules so that you and other patients can receive the best and most professional care possible.

  • You and your guests are requested to act strictly in a proper and respectful manner while within the walls of the hospital.
  • You are requested to:

o    Give all information regarding your health to the medical treatment staff. 

o    Treat the medical staff with respect.

o    Maintain cleanliness.

o    Maintain quiet and avoid loud or disruptive noise.

o    Abstain from smoking inside the hospital except within specially designated areas.

o    Avoid damaging hospital property.

o    Avoid using cellular telephones while in the hospital departments.

o    Leave the hospital when you have been discharged at the end of treatment.

o    Avoid bringing non-kosher food into the hospital.

o    Notify your guests regarding department visiting hours. The presence of visitors in the department after visiting hours disturbs the rest that patients need and disrupts the staff’s ability to function effectively.

Freedom to choose your treating hospital – for Clalit Health Services oncology patients

In an effort to improve service to patients and to lighten the burden on cancer patients undergoing complex treatment, Clalit Health Services now allows patients freedom of choice for treatment approved in the basic basket of services in any public hospital in Israel.

According to these directives:

  • Every patient who has been diagnosed and defined as ill with an oncologic disease that requires active treatment (surgery or medication) can choose to receive the treatment for this condition in any public hospital in Israel.
  • Follow-up for oncology patients related to their cancer will be done at the hospital or community institution where the patient receives his/her primary treatment.
  • All services related to the patient’s oncological treatment performed in the realm of research in a public hospital will be in accordance with the directives of the Ministry of Health.
  •  A second opinion can be provided under the framework of “Clalit Mushlam” (Clalit Complementary Health Insurance).