תפריט ראשי עליון

תפריט עמוד

Internal Medicine Division

The Allergy and Immunology Unit includes two subunits: The Immunology Unit and the Allergy and Asthma Center.

The Immunology Unit

The Clinical Immunology Unit of the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center evaluate and treats a wide range of problems involving the immune system such as primary immune deficiency and complex autoimmune disorders.

Patients are referred for the evaluation of recurrent infection as well.
The unit operates a sophisticated and modern immunology laboratory that is a referral center. The laboratory is equipped with a FACS machine, PCR molecular analyzer, fluorescent microscope, Cryostat, electrophoretic equipment and a P3 room. It carries out comprehensive testing of the immune system, including cellular and humoral immunity, a wide variety of soluble and nonsoluble autoantibodies, for the diagnosis of systemic, inflammatory and immunologic diseases, including most dermatologic diseases.

The unit operates a number of functions:

  • The Immunology Clinic offers consultation, diagnosis and treatment of a large variety of immunologic diseases; patients are usually referred from other departments or from outside clinics.
  • Day-care hospitalization for ambulatory testing and treatment of patients in both groups. Patients with hypogamaglobulines recieves their treatment under close supervision in the day care.
  • Laboratory reference center for immunologic tests.

The Allergy and Asthma Center

The unit takes care of patients with allergy and asthma.
The allergic spectrom includes allergy involving the variuos systems: skin, respiratory, gastrointestinal, opthalmic, as well as drug allergies.
In the unit we evaluate and desensitize patients who have allergy to aspirin and who require treatment with the drug.
We also test patients with suspected penicillin allergy by using a special kit.
The unit is a country referal center for the evaluation of occupational asthma and other allergic diseases.
The center takes care of a large number of patients with angioedema, both due to hereditary and idiopatic origin.

Department details

+972-3-697-3653 - Immunology Unit
+972-3-697-3591 - Allergy and Asthma Center
Sourasky Building
Wing D
Floor 1

תפריט ניווט תחתון