תפריט ראשי עליון

תפריט עמוד

תוכן עניינים

​As we age, changes in soft tissue occur, our skin loses its elasticity and our facial fat loses volume. These inevitable processes lead to sagging and creasing of the skin. The platysma muscle supporting the deep layers of the neck loses elasticity and gradually becomes thin and weak.  Over time, deep fat can accumulate and fill out the neck area, and result in what is called "turkey wattle".  The firm chin and defined jawline of our twenties and thirties give way to a sagging, weak jawline that adds years to our appearance.

What can be done?

To treat the aging neck, we first diagnose which layers of soft tissue are involved.  We need to differentiate between textural problems of the external layers (skin and facial fat) which can be treated non-surgically, and a total collapse and sagging of the jawline, where surgery is the recommended treatment.
In cases where soft tissue issues are mild to moderate and mainly show up as poor skin quality and appearance of creases, we can recommend effective treatment using focused ultrasound (US). During a single treatment lasting about 45 minutes, US energy penetrates the skin to a precise depth of 4.5 mm, targeting the structural skin tissue layer called SMAS that lies below the fatty layer and above the muscle (the area where facial lift surgery is performed).  The US waves prick tiny holes in the affected area, and heat the tissue.  The collagen fibers connecting muscle to skin shrink, are renewed, and stimulate a natural healing process in the skin creating new collagen, improving skin texture in the face and neck and, over time, tightening and firming of tissue in the chin, jawline, and eyebrow areas. 
Treatment with ultrasound rays bypasses the skin's surface (epidermis), preventing side effects such as pigmentation. 
During treatment, patients may experience mild discomfort and if so, the doctor can reduce the US intensity.  Following treatment, you can expect slight but temporary redness, and you may return immediately to your normal routine.  No convalescent time is required.
Results of this treatment can be seen after 2 – 3 months, reach their peak after about 6 months, and last up to 18 – 24 months.  If necessary, a maintenance treatment can be given after 6 months.

This information does not replace personal consultation with a medical specialist.  To receive more information and to consult one of our specialists, please contact the Integrated Center for Aesthetic Dermatology and Laser Treatments – Dermatology Division at Tel. 03-6972424, dermaaesthetics@tlvmc.gov.il 

תפריט ניווט תחתון