תפריט ראשי עליון

תפריט עמוד

תוכן עניינים

​Over time, our skin ages.  The aging of facial skin appears with the decrease in skin quality resulting from lost elasticity and strength, as well as a loss of fatty tissue volume, sagging, and development of facial asymmetry. The noticeable result of this process is a dull, dry complexion showing various lesions (benign or cancerous), changes in skin texture and pigmentation, wrinkles, and spider veins.

Every aesthetic skin problem requires a different and specific solution, which is why treatment for each of our patients is personalized and focused.
Over the last decade, a range of advanced technologies and methods has been developed to enable removal of skin blemishes and lesions, and to rejuvenate the skin.  Using laser beams, physicians can remove skin growths, pigmentation spots, and spider veins; they can firm tissue and jump-start collagen growth.  Using fillers, physicians can restore lost tissue volume, eliminate wrinkles, and firm the skin.   Botulinum toxin injections can help to improve appearance by smoothing laugh lines and forehead creases, while skin boosters can restore your skin's lost strength, elasticity, and shine.

The Integrated Center for Aesthetic Dermatology and Laser Treatments – Dermatology Division is a leader in the research and the use of breakthrough non-surgical treatments for improving the appearance of your skin.

תפריט ניווט תחתון