Cross-specialty care
Our patients have the benefit of multidisciplinary team care , comprising physicians with expertise in pediatric neurology subspecialties (such as epilepsy, neonatal neurology, cerebral palsy, neuromuscular and movement disorders), a specialty nurse, developmental physiotherapist, occupational and speech therapist, and social worker. The team works in close cooperation with other hospital units, such as Pediatric Neurosurgery, Pediatric Orthopedics, and the Child Development Center to provide the best treatment approach for complex conditions that span multiple medical disciplines.
Research and education
The Pediatric Neurology Unit is affiliated to the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, providing academic and specialty education to medical trainees. Several clinical trials are investigating new treatments and diagnostic tools for disabling neurological disorders such as cerebral palsy (CP), epilepsy, Pompe disease, tuberous sclerosis, and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Any patient or family interested in available research participation opportunities may contact the secretariat at telephone +972-3-697-4115 .
Community integration
The Pediatric Neurology Unit sees as part of its mission to integrate medical services with community health care and child education providers for the benefit of its patients. In caring for children and adolescents, cooperation between the unit’s pediatric neurologists and physicians in community facilities, along with special education system professionals is essential to ensure timely diagnosis and continuity of treatment.