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Dana-Dwek Children’s Hospital

The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit at the Dana-Dwek Children's Hospitall provides comprehensive care for children with frequent, unusual or severe infections acquired in the community or in the hospital in an inpatient and outpatient basis. The service provides diagnosis and management for all types of infections ranging from congenital infections such as congenital CMV or Syphilis to infections in the immunocompromised hosts with congenital and acquired immunodeficiencies, infections in the neonatal and pediatric intensive care unit, hematology-oncology patients and recurrent infections in otherwise normal children.

The pediatric infectious diseases staff at the Dana-Dwek Children's Hospital consists of a full-time pediatric infectious diseases specialist, an infectious control nurse and an infectious diseases clinic nurse.  A physician is on-call 24 hours a day.
The service has a close relations with the adult infectious diseases service, the microbiology laboratory, the hospital pharmacy and the medical center epidemiology unit.
The service is also involved in education of the medical and nursing staff in prevention and control of hospital acquired infections.
The service involves in the program of controlling unnecessary and non-judicious use of antibiotics in order to prevent the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria.
The service provides consultation by phone to pediatricians in the community in infectious diseases and immunizations in children.
An infectious disease specialist is on-call 24 hours a day.
The service of pediatric infectious diseases is supported by an excellent microbiology laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment and experienced personnel.

Department details

Dana-Dwek Children's Hospital Clinics
Ground Floor
Reception Hours: Mon; Tue: 09.00-12.00

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