תוכן עניינים

An individualized experience

Childbirth, and primarily natural childbirth, is an intense, emotional, and empowering experience that is very intimate and personal to each expectant mother.

The Natural Birthing Center team in the Lis Maternity Hospital believes that every woman has her own unique way of giving birth. You, as an expectant parent deserve support, trust, and respect of your personal needs and wishes to achieve your delivery goals. The labor and delivery team supports you and your family throughout the delivery, and helps you connect with the physical and emotional senses that accompany your exciting journey.  

A comfortable, homey atmosphere

The objective of the Natural Birthing Center is to provide you and your partner a feeling of hominess and comfort, while supporting your needs and the safety of mother and baby.

The center, located in the Labor and Delivery Unit, provides women and their partners calm privacy, while enabling immediate medical response if the need arises. The Natural Birthing Center is designed family style. It is fully equipped with a large bath, a physio ball for pelvic movement, pillows for positioning during contractions and delivery, oil massage treatment, a break-away chair for delivery, a ceiling-hung rope for holding onto during labor, and an adjustable bed.
For delivery, you are invited to bring items with you that help you relax and feel at home.

Fetal monitoring is performed periodically in any position the mother chooses using a wireless monitor.

The typical stay at the center following birth is one to two hours, according to hospital guidelines.


Who is a good candidate for the natural childbirth program?

  • Women who do not want medical intervention, such as pain relief
  • Healthy women with routine low-risk pregnancies
  • Women who have had continuous pregnancy monitoring and follow-up
  • Women who have not previously undergone a Caesarian section
  • Women with a single fetus with head-down presentation
  • Women in week 37 to 42 of their pregnancy

Skilled, compassionate staff

The Natural Birthing Center team is specially trained and skilled in natural childbirth, committed to supporting you and your partner in the method you choose to deliver. The team also supports you immediately following the birth—with instructions on nursing and forming your initial bond with your baby.   

The next steps

If you are interested in natural childbirth and meet the medical criteria, you can undergo a birth preparation process.

The service is available without fees and based on availability. During each hospital shift, the facility is staffed with one birthing assistant. If the room is unavailable, the natural childbirth service is closed; no additional deliveries are performed by the natural childbirth service.

Women who qualify for natural childbirth will be asked to undergo a birth preparation process.

  • Taking a tour of the natural-childbirth facility
  • Being interviewed by a nurse/midwife when you arrive for delivery at the maternity ward
  • Signing the informed consent and natural childbirth agreement forms

Contact us

For additional information or to register for the Natural Birthing Center preparation program, please contact the MommyLis program at: +972-3-697-3113/4787.


Expectant Mothers’ Program, Arison Medical Tower, Floor 33 (elevator D or E)

Medical departments/services

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