Dana-Dwek Children’s Hospital

​The Pediatric Dermatology Unit of the Dana-Dwek Children’s Hospital treats children and adolescents suffering from various skin conditions and diseases. The unit diagnoses and treats all dermatological diseases, which primarily includes acne. Treatment for acne takes into consideration physiological, psychological, pharmacological and even cosmetic aspects of care. The unit also treats and follows-up on treatment of congenital moles and follows children with developmental disturbances that affect the skin.

The unit performs surgeries in a sophisticated ambulatory surgery room that enables surgical treatment of skin tumors and biopsies using local anesthesia, photo therapy using ultra violet light to treat various skin diseases and sophisticated equipment to excise and follow-up on congenital and acquired moles.

Department details

+972-3-6974876 - Unit
+972-3-6974000 - Appointments
Dana-Dwek Children's Hospital
Ground Floor
Reception Hours: Mon; Thu: 08.30 - 14.30

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